
Mother's Day

Cool Mother’s Day Gifts

Cool Mother’s day gifts for mum. For mother’s day, but of course also for birthdays or ‘just because’. Gifts that last… And all made in our beautiful Aotearoa.

We just added the cool sparrow with chicks silhouette by Metalbird. We also have the tui, piwakawaka, black robin, double tui, kereru, kotare, swallows and huia.

And a great selection of greenstone pendants. Only two stunning greenstone koru twists are available. And one-off toki with koru. Also greenstone koru, whaletails, double twists, manaia, single twists.

Lovely glass koru, colourful resin pendants with either Maori design (kowhaiwhai) or Pacific design (frangipani).

Have a look! Order now so the gift will arrive in time!

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